Patna Bird Sanctuary UPSC

  • Patna Bird Sanctuary is located in the Jalesar sub division of Etah district in Uttar Pradesh, India.
  • In 1991, Patna Bird Sanctuary was officially established as a protected area for avifauna.
  • Area: Patna Bird Sanctuary covers an area of 1.09 km2 (108 hectares).
  • Patna Bird Sanctuary holds the distinction of being the smallest bird sanctuary in Uttar Pradesh.
  • Flora: Rreeds, grasses, sedges, and rushes etc.
  • Birds:
    • Lesser Whistling-Duck
    • Graylag Goose
    • Comb Duck
    • Ruddy Shelduck
    • Gadwall
    • Eurasian Wigeon
    • Indian Spot-billed Duck
    • Northern Shoveler
    • Northern Pintail
    • Baer’s pochard
    • Tufted duck
    • Indian peafowl
    • Common quail
    • Black francolin
    • Gray francolin
    • Little grebe
    • Asian openbill
    • Woolly-necked stork
    • Black-necked stork
    • Little cormorant
    • Great cormorant
    • Purple heron
    • Cattle egret
    • Indian pond-heron
    • Black-headed ibis
    • Red-naped ibis
    • Eurasian spoonbill
    • Black-shouldered kite
    • Egyptian vulture
    • Booted eagle
    • Laughing dove
    • Greater coucal
    • Rose-ringed parakeet
    • Plum-headed parakeet
    • Long-tailed shrike
    • Black drongo
    • Rufous treepie
    • Ashy-crowned sparrow-lark
    • Bengal bushlark
    • Red-vented bulbul
    • Plain leaf warbler
    • Ashy prinia
    • Plain prinia
    • Common babbler
    • Bank myna
    • Purple sunbird
    • Indian silverbill
    • Scaly-breasted munia
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