Kuno National Park UPSC

  • Kuno National Park is located in the Sheopur district of Madhya Pradesh, India.
  • In 1981, Kuno National Park was established as a wildlife sanctuary.
  • In 2018, Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary received official status as Kuno National Park.
  • Area: It covers an approximate area of 344 square kilometers (133 square miles).
  • Hills: The park is situated in the Vindhyan Hills.
  • River: The Kuno river flows through the park from South to north. 
  • Tribe: Kuno National Park and its surrounding areas are inhabited by various indigenous tribal communities like Sahariyas, Gujjars, Moghiya and Bhil.
  • Flora: Teak, tendu, dhawada, salai, palash, babul, spear grass, elephant grass, ashwagandha, amla, guggul, safed musli, bamboo, kadam, jamun etc.
  • Fauna: Cheetah, Indian Leopard, Sloth Bear, Dhole, Indian Wolf, Striped Hyena, Bengal Fox, Chital, Sambar, Chousingha, Blackbuck, Ruddy Mongoose, Indian Crested Porcupine, Indian White-backed Vulture, Long-billed Vulture, Egyptian Vulture, Spotted Owlet, Indian Nightjar, Mugger Crocodile, Gharial, Bengal Monitor, Indian Softshell etc.
  • The park was identified as a potential reintroduction site for the Cheetah.
  • Kuno National Park has been also selected as a potential reintroduction site for the Asiatic lion.
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